The well thought-out scientific, artistic and cultural edutainment can particularly benefit from 4.0 technologies and the new ideas inspired by the gameplay approach.
Let’s share some examples.
Works of art, formulas, organic structures, action mechanisms, more generally any element which can be represented, even better if visual, can be digitized and virtualized. The outputs range from advanced web and mobile applications with which to discover the content, in the most common sense the configurators, to virtual goods, to the often discussed non-fungible tokens, up to, perhaps, databases in various formats to be shared with artists and technicians in open innovation. Wow.
Your showroom, your headquarters, your office, your production line can become a virtual tour. Hold on, I’m not talking about empty and boring spaces, but about interactive worlds to be filled with imaginative or hyper-realistic contents.
Of course we can create games and experiences that engage in cognitive, emotional, motoric paths, and in the meantime animate worlds and tell stories.
In general, it is possible to enhance all the narration linked to a topic, an organization, a brand, a product and so completing the digital transformation. But above all by transforming into new media forms of mixed reality, augmented and virtual, increasingly widespread and soon-to-become mainstream.
Dulcis in fundo. In addition to applying all the aforementioned guidelines, the Museum can and must present itself widespread. Show yourself within the territory and talk to people, and even more: listen to them. How? Metropolitan installations that amaze as well as interactive web apps to interact directly with them.

Andrea Bellezza
VP of Enterprise Strategy
Co-founder of OSC Innovation, having 15+ years of experience as Strategic Innovation Researcher and Consultant, and New Media Designer: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Robotics, IOT, AI. Innovation and Intuition are the key cross-cutting components of his professional development, exploited in a wide range of environments: technology and new media, international academic research and education. Proudly led the launch of the ‘augmented reality’ in Italy, making OSC Innovation the Italian leader since then. Teacher and coaching for italian and international universities and institutions.